Thursday, July 1, 2010

Gorillaz - El Manana Music Video

Date Viewed: 1/7/10
Director: Jamie Hewlett and Pete Candeland

An interesting music video that caught my attention is El Manana by Gorillaz. This video is presented in a cartoon/animated way as all the Gorillaz videos are. This video attracted my attention because it seems to have more meaning than most of the other Gorillaz videos.

In this video we are presented with a cartoon character of a girl, on a sunny floating island with a windmill on it. The girl is sitting relaxing on the island where all of a sudden 2 helicopters come out of nowhere and start attacking the girl. The girl runs back into the windmill and hides there until she thinks it is safe. The girl takes a peek out and instead of seeing the happy sunny place she was at before she is greeted with a dark, fiery and dead looking place. The helicopters keep attacking and then the island starts to lose altitude. The island falls into a canyon looking landscape and one of the helicopters drops a bomb on the island and the helicopters fly off.

Gorillaz say that the floating island is supposed to represent “mental freedom”. So I guess the helicopters are destroying this mental freedom. In my opinion the helicopters are representing war because they have turned something nice into a flaming wreck and a disaster, this relates to what goes on in the real world. Also the windmill spinning could represent being a clock, as in maybe the clock of life and this is being destroyed in war.

In my opinion this is a great music video that fits with the dull/gloomy music that it goes too. This music video is a simple and good looking video that also presents a strong message.

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